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Connect: What is it all About?

The singer alone does not make a song,
there has to be someone who hears:
One man opens his throat to sing,
the other sings in his mind.

— Rabindranath Tagore, Broken Song
(translated by William Radice)

Rabindranath Tagore and Mohandas Gandhi were close friends and spirtual brothers. Ghandi focused on the practical, encouraging his people to seek the freedom they needed to live in the dignity they deserved. Tagore focused on the wonderful, composing and sharing what would become the modern cultural heritage of India and Bangladesh. Like brothers, each admired the other's unique gifts. And like brothers, sometimes they argued about their seemingly irreconcilable perspectives. But in the end, they were richer, and the world became better for the lives they led, the people they inspired, and the complementary ideas they shared.

Tagore's poem compelled me to seriously consider the role of the listener in the production of music. By his logic (which comports with my own), if we want to make better songs we need do more to involve the listener and worry less about the market. Put another way, if we take care of the listener (and the artist!), the market will take care of itself. We'll see!

For more thoughts and ramblings, visit the studio blog.

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If you fit as an ARTIST, tell us about your works and how you work best: instruments played, recordings made, influences, genres, contractual issues, etc.

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